To create user accounts for Netlify CMS you must activate the Identify Netlify.
Site settings > Identity > Enable
Emails notifications
To redirect each email template to those in the repository.
Site settings > Identity > Email
Then modify the path:
- Invitation template:
- Confirmation template:
- Recovery template:
- Email change template:
Git Gateway
To connect Netlify CMS to the Github API, it must be activated.
Site settings > Identity > Services > Enable Git Gateway
Large Media
Netlify LM doesn’t support WebP
Git Attributes
create .gitattributes
assets/images/upload/** filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
Large Media setup
1/ Login to Netlify:
netlify login
2/ Link your local repository to your site on Netlify:
netlify link
3/ Run the following command for Large Media:
netlify lm:setup