{{ $args := (dict
"src" $src_image
"alt" $alt_text
"desktop" $desktop_size
"mobile" $mobile_size
) }}
{{ partial "commons/image" $args }}
HTML rendered
<source srcset="" type="image/webp" media="(min-width: 577px)" />
<source srcset="" type="image/webp" media="(max-width: 576px)" />
<source srcset="" type="image/jpg" media="(max-width: 576px)" />
<img src="" alt="" width="" height="" />
src: "" // Image’s URL, required
alt: "" // Alternative text for a11y
desktop: "" // width x height of desktop image, required
mobile: "" // width x height of mobile image
lazy: true // set false if above the fold, default true
class: "" // class to <img>
itemprop: "" // add a Schema.org information
Available for